Friday, April 08, 2011


We live in a Country that is Unjust.  This is an Unreasonably Corrupt Cruel Calculative Exploitative and Unfair Society.  Hence there is No Wonder that Nothing Good gets done or develops evolves or occurs here, in the Normal Course of Time.

Corruption is deep and widespread in this Country.  It extends its tentacles everywhere.  That is from administration, in granting to the NGOs and VOs, Funds for Relief or Development or rendering Succour to the Poor.  These, in the Govts.  And it is while seeking to get Protection in Police Stations.  It is no different while rendering any Justice in the Courts.  So it is in taking Relief to the Poor in the Rural Areas, and or providing Education and extending Literacy.  Teaching Children right from Schools in Rural Areas, to semi-Urban and Urban Colleges and Universities in big Cities, is a big Problem.

Education stinks with Corruption, in the form of huge Capitation Fees for Admissions, right in the KG and Nursery Classes.  There is a Demand for open Payments to get even Admission Forms in Big and Privately run ‘Public’ Schools.  If that is so, one can not think of Entering the Teacher Training Institutions anywhere, even to become just Primary School Teachers.  Then come, the great Trauma of Paying Bribes, to get Jobs as Teachers in good Schools, Govt Schools, or big private Schools.  After that, begins the Drama of getting a Posting in Nearby Schools, or to land some Good Positions in the Offices and other Educational Institutions.

If the very beginnings of Education, right from the KG and Nursery Classes requires huge Payments, getting Trained as Teachers needs big Money; and one has to bribe his/her way to become Teachers and then to get a Posting, how can Education be Clean Honest Right and True?  How can it become basic Key Instrument of Development, turnout to be a Productive and Progressive Tool in this Country?

With many Education Ministers, remaining as the Fountain Head of Corruption, how can any expect Education in this Country to be Honest?  When the Education Ministers themselves are reported to be Demanding Money for Everything, as bribe as speed money or for greasing the movement of file, or giving sanctions, how can Education become Good in this Country to be Fair and Right?  If Govt Ministers, particularly the Education Ministers in many parts of the Country are seen indulging in corrupt practices, right at the Primary School Education Stages, where is the Hope for Development of Good Education, Good Teachers, Good Citizens coming out of these Schools and any Good Future?  When Education Ministers are reported to be demanding, paid and taking Huge Bribes for Setting Up of any School, can there be any Hope?  If the Education Ministers can do this, how about Sanctioning of the Teacher Training Institutions.  There, the Demand is much bigger.  And they are said to be Demanding big Money, even for Approving Admissions Entry and Allowing the Issue of Hall Tickets to the Teacher Trainee Students to Sit in their Examinations.  How then, can the highly Corrupt and Corrupting Elements establishing so many Educational Institutions in the Private Sector, can be expected to be Honest?  Or the Education System be Clean, and the Teachers to become and remain Honest?  No Chance whatsoever, at least in the Near Future.

What are the Schools and Govts meant for?  To Provide Education to the People, beginning from the Rural Areas and Villages.  Take Education to the poor Villages, Groups, Families and Individuals who have No Education.  Not see Schools?  Not ever entered any School.  Not Studied, and do not know to rear write and count.  Govts and Govt Schools must be concerned and be pre-occupied with teaching the poor illiterates and have-nots.  The rich and well to do can manage themselves, go and send their children to private rich missionary or exclusive schools.  Govts need not bother about them ever.  Their duty is for the majority poor backward weaker-sections of People.

Govts will definitely fail, if they and their Govt Schools fail to Enrol Educate Teach and Pass Out the Poor Neglected Helpless Children.  But exactly in this the Govs have been failing for the last six-decades after Independence.  Add to these, there are massive Corruption, Bribes and Kick-backs everywhere in Education.  Hence, there is No Doubt, the entire Education, right from the KG/Nursery Levels to the Schools, Colleges, Training Institutions, MPhil and PhD Level Studies, and Post-Doctoral Works in the Universities & other Educational Institutions, horribly Stinks.  It is revolting.  Less said is better about Research and Development or Training Institutions in the Country.

The more Secretive Exclusive and Closed an Institution is, the more Mean Idiotic Insane and extremely or extensively Dirty Demeaning Crazy Corrupt Communal Cheap and Alienating or far it is, from any Technical Scientific Research Intellectual Educational and Academic Work.  Sadly in many of the States, still clinging to the old lingering Colonial System of Management and Control, most Technical Scientific Research Educational Academic Institutions are headed led and managed by the Non-Specialist, Non-Intellectual Generalist Administrators.  Not only are they in-charge, but also merrily often go out to Represent and Speak on the Technical Scientific Research Developments, and Intellectual Educational and Academic Works, as if they are Specialists and Experts.

In the name of Special and Exclusive Technical Scientific Research Development Works, Intellectual Educational and Academic Achievements, the Institutions and their Heads are given lots of Resources Powers Funds and Freedom.  These are heady cocktails, adding on to the already tizzy tippings, and sending any and all, to insane unreasonable levels.

The above such Institutions, their heads managements and administrations, resort to all types of wasteful unreasonable purchases at heavy prices.  And what is more sinful are the facts that many unique small and valuable or even big purchases and acquisitions are being quietly and silently diverted for the private personal family and home usages of the heads of the Institutions; and are used even for unethical immoral activities.

In the Name of Exclusive Works, Heads of Institutions in Scientific and Technical Educational Institutions, and R&D Organisations, often Avoid Reservations in Interviews Selections Admissions and Recruitments, to keep out the Common Working Classes of People like SCs&STs, with Down to Earth Practical Ideas and Empirical Knowledge that can inspire any of the Institutions at anytime anywhere, to Produce People Oriented Results highly relevant, much important useful and valuable or essential to the Country.  Them, the Casteist heads managements and administrations avoid.  And to be doubly sure and safe, in avoiding the Reservations, and having to take in through the Reservations some of the Plebeian Proletariats of SCs&STs, they resort to Recruitments only at the Higher Levels, thinking that they can be free from and avoid Reservations.  So they go for Recruitments at minimum of Senior Scale Positions.  That in the Name of Attracting bright Youngsters and New Talents to their Exclusive Technical Scientific Research Development Works, Intellectual Educational and Academic Institutions, that have so far produced No and Nil Results.  They are not aware that they are committing double mistakes of – Recruiting unnecessarily at higher Levels, and Avoiding Reservations.  For Recruitments, by basic Norms must be at the laid out lower Entry Levels; and all Selections and Direct Recruitments, where fresh and outside blood is inducted and new people are taken in, attract Provisions of Reservations, and there must be Reservations for SCs&STs without Exception.  Violating both is landing them in Double Jeopardy, waiting only to be legally raked up at anytime.

Take the Case of the so many CSIR Laboratories, which have nothing to Speak about either their Works Outputs Contributions till today, or Ratings in any way as Institutions of Excellence in the Country.  Yes, they are impressive, only for their massive buildings, and guzzling huge Tax Payers Money.

The Defence DRDO, is sleeping comfortably with high value, Nationally Important Secret Defence Projects.  Arjun Tanks of the Seventies, originally modelled and proudly tom-tommed at the early stages as having been modelled after the American MBT 60 Programme to be completed only in Ten Years or Two Decades at the most, is still to see the Light of the Day, or win the Confidence of the Users, and Prove itself to endear with the Soldiers of the Indian Army, or anywhere else in the World.  And then take other Contemporary Projects, now more than forty years old.  Consider the Missiles for all the Armed Military Forces – Army Navy and Air Force.  Nothing Flies.  But for the Russians and their Rockets, the Defence Scientists and their Heads must have been biting the Dusts where their Missiles have failed to take-off or crashed.  Take the LJT for the Air Force, or the Kaveri Engine for their Fighters and Trainer Aircrafts.  They are all still struggling to roar and take-off to fly up.  The same has been the sad fate of their Light Helicopters for the three Services.  Had any Heads Rolled so far?  No.  Only Failures and Failures. Yet, Promotions and Awards galore.  Recognition as Great Scientists.

The Heads of all these Institutions, in spite of their every failure, are great powerful secure people.  Thick skinned, not to be affected by any criticisms and the accusations.  But they are clear about, a few things that are high on their agenda.  Making money.  Projecting themselves up.  Building up their caste fellows.  Oppressing all the others, who manage to sneak-in some how, in spite of all their vigilance and resistance.  Nepotism to bring in their own, raw useless brahmanic brats who can speak meaninglessly hollow, but non-stop to impress others, with no knowledge whatsoever, and poor intelligence to see through their shallow talking.  They do that, in the form of Campus Interviews in big Institutions like IITs, which are also equally hollow and suffer from many such infirmities.

Youngsters, brought in as fresh brains and new talents, though belonging to their own specific brahmanic communities, from their own regions states and the linguistic groups, are cunningly Recruited as Temporary Hands.

Special Care is taken, to Appoint bright and good looking fair skinned girls, through such special recruitment drives.  And then, the girls are lured with many promises temptations, also by giving some rare opportunities, only to bedded for sex.  Many Institutions are known for this.  Many of Heads of these Institutions are famous for such sexual exploits of young unmarried girls, and even other married women.  And these girls and women are also game and big sport, to take these in their stride for some future benefits, exclusive big advantages like special assignments, foreign visits, quicker Promotions, rapid growth etc.  Or, they simply settle satisfied, just for job security, and to save and consolidate their positions.  Also, they willingly agree often to such sexual exploitations, as they are mostly used to them already.

It is openly said in many big famous Educational Institutions, that only Girls and Women can get Quick PhDs.  And that, only if they are willing to freely sleep with their Guides, Heads of Departments, and other Authorities including Examiners.  That is why many Muslim Girls and SC&ST Girls, dare not take up PhD Studies, and don’t get their PhDs easily or in time.



Note :

Preety is a Professional and Conscious ST Dalit Activist working in Bangalore.


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