National Academy for Dalit (NAD) is brain child of Mr. Sikander Kushwaha inception in the year 2008 with the support of like minded students of Xavier Institute of Management, Jabalpur. NAD is Non formal organisation till now.
Initially NAD was engaged on creating awareness among Dalit and Non Dalit students of Institute and nearby youth on Dalit rights through informal movie screening, Seminars, debates, discussion.
After two year of NAD experience it is found that there are few Dalit students enrol the middle school and very few student reach to the university/higher education due to various social and economic reasons. Among Dalit those students attain higher education they face various forms of discrimination within institute from faculty, and fellow student. Due to this discrimination these student develop complexity within themselves which loose their confidence.
The complexity down the morality of Dalit Student and remain morality make down by the private companies who come for placement by not considering their candidature in the list of prospect employee for their organisation with the argument “Dalit student are not competitive as general student”It is no doubt tortoise cannot compete with hoarse. But similar socio-economic and discrimination free condition can change this scenario and Dalit students can do better then general students.
Nation needs such Higher education Academy who can provide discrimination free environment to Dalit students where they groom and nurture as high quality professional which wills be equal or more competitive then general students and can get respectable jobs in public as well as private sector without help of reservation. Hence Patron of NAD decided to establish NAD as premier professional education Institute comparable to Indian premier Institutes exclusive for Dalit.
Eradicate all forms of discrimination from society.
Mission Statement
To enhance socio-economic status of Dalit through High quality Research and Higher Education to Dalit of our society at the same time we want to build the army of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar.
NAD main objectives are:
To provide discrimination free environment Higher education to Dalit students of world.
To encourage the formation of various local youth groups across the world to reach out to larger sections of the population who spread the message of equality.
To support and cooperate with persons and groups already engaged in similar activities.
To raise the required human and other resources to achieve the group objectives.
To provide opportunities to individuals living within and outside India who wish to participate in NAD activities.
To address, whenever possible, other issues affecting human life such as health care, environment, socio-economic aspects and women's issues.
NAD- National Academy for Dalit
Dalit- Dalit is one who believes in equality, who practices equality and who combats inequality.